Monday, January 19, 2015

Prophet Muhammed ﷺ

                                                     بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  

I strongly condemn what happened to the french newspaper but I am also sad and disappointed by publishing cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammed . The Prophet () was a great man and if cartoonists had read his biography they wouldn't have depicted those cartoons.I believe in dialogue  between different cultures and a world based on respect not insults nor violence.

And for people interested to know about the Prophet (), here are some sayings about him by  famous  thinkers[1], of course they are not enough but it is just a start.

Wolfgang Goethe

He is a prophet and not a poet and therefore his Koran is to be seen as Divine Law and not as a book of a human being, made for education or entertainment[2]. 
Muhammad was the soul of kindness, and his influence was felt and never forgotten by those around him[3].
 Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?[4]
 Encyclopedia Britannica
A mass of detail in the early sources shows that he was an honest and upright man who had gained the respect and loyalty of others who were likewise honest and upright men[5].
 Thomas Carlyle
how one man single-handedly, could weld warring tribes and wandering Bedouins into a most powerful and civilized nation in less than two decades[6].

Annie Besant 

It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher[7].

[1]-The thinkers' sayings are collected by Islamweb site 
[2]-Noten und Abhandlungen zum Weststlichen Dvan, WA I, 7, 32
[3]-D.C. Sharma, The Prophets of The East, Calcutta, 1935, pp. 12
[4]-Histoire de la Turquie, Paris 1854, Vol II, pp. 276-77 
[5]- Vol. 12
[6]-Islamweb site
The Life and Teachings of Muhammad, Madras 1932, p. 4

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